Park History


Resident dog owners form the Dog Owners of Greater Shaw Yahoo Group to advocate for a permanent, legal dog park in the Shaw and Logan Circle neighborhood. (April)

The D.C. Council passes law allowing for the creation of public dog parks. (November)


The D.C. Department of Parks and Recreation works with D.C. council members, ANC leaders, the mayor’s office and a citizens task force to develop regulations for the establishment and governance of dog parks.


The Shaw Dog Park application is filed under the auspices of the MidCity Residents Association (MCRA), a neighborhood non-profit organization. Over 400 petitioners support the application. (May)

Shaw Dog Park opens with Mayor Fenty cutting the “leash”. (November)


Shaw Dog Park celebrates its first anniversary and raises approximately $2,000.  City Paws Animal Hospital sponsors the event and becomes an ongoing supporter. (November)


MCRA Shaw Dog Park Committee applies for and receives grant from the Deputy Mayor’s Office for dog park improvements.


Shaw Dog Park Association (SDPA) incorporates in D.C. as a non-profit organization, separating from MCRA. (February)

Major renovations take place, including complete overhaul of the surface, the installation of ten tree boxes for shade-providing crepe myrtles, new water faucet, eight benches, installation of shade sail and new tool shed. (August)

The IRS grants 501(c) 3 tax-exempt status to SDPA, allowing all contributions to the organization to be treated as charitable donations. (November)


Annual meeting held and a new slate of board members and officers elected. (January)