Drag Bingo on May 2 at Nellie’s
Arrive by 6:30 to help fill our table of 25
Proceeds will help the park replace two dead trees and shade canopy.
Can’t make it but still want to help? Click on the donate button to the left to make a donation via PayPal.
Best Practices – Kids
Please think twice about bringing your small child to the dog park.
It can be a scary and dangerous place for a child, even one who is generally comfortable with dogs.
Remember that the park is primarily a place for dogs to do dog things off-leash. That means run, herd, sniff, etc.
If you do decide to bring your kids,
1. Keep them close and
2. Never let them run
For some helpful tips about bringing kids to dog parks, see
April Dog Park Events
Mark your calendar for two important Shaw Dog Park Association events
1. April Park Clean-up – Saturday, April 20, 11-noon
Take advantage of these beautiful Spring days to help keep your park in working order. It takes only a small amount of time and effort with many helping.
2. April meeting of the SPDA – Wednesday, April 24, 7:30 p.m.
Join us at the Hotel Helix for this month’s meeting of the Shaw Dog Park Association. The construction of the new Shaw middle school and its impact on the dog park will be discussed.
For more information on either event, see the Calendar page.
Shaw Middle School Announcement
Yesterday ANC 6E01 Commissioner Alex Padro announced the new DC city budget includes plans to replace the old Shaw Middle School with a new school on the existing property.
It is not clear what this will mean for the Shaw Dog Park, which resides on the old school’s grounds. We will monitor the developments carefully and keep you informed.
SPDA President Brad Scarborough’s response to the announcement:
I just saw your announcement regarding the replacement of Shaw Middle at the site of the existing Shaw Middle school. While the Shaw Dog Park community is excited for this announcement, we are also a little concerned about the future of the dog park. We want to reach out to you early and often to make certain that Shaw Dog Park can always be an active voice in supporting both a new school as well as maintaining an accessible dog park for the Shaw community. We look forward to working with you and the City Council as this project moves forward. If there is any additional information you can share regarding this announcement please do.Thanks again for all of your support of Shaw Dog Park!
Bradley Scarborough
President, Shaw Dog Park Association
May 2 Happy Hour at Nellie’s
Plan ahead and mark your calendar for Shaw Dog Park’s May fundraiser at Nellie’s Sports Bar.
$1 of every Nellie’s Light beer sold this night will be donated to the dog park.
More details to come!
March clean-up on Saturday
Saturday, March 23 is our monthly clean-up day in the park.
11am – noon
Please lend a hand and help us
- pick up garbage
- grade the surface (re-distribute the gravel)
- fill holes
We’ll also work on tightening the gate latches in both the big and small park entrances.
Hope to see you there!
Lost Dog – Rio
Please be on the lookout for Rio, missing from yard near 13th and U on March 19 around 1 p.m. She is black and white, 55 lbs, and wearing a red collar and a silver chain. She’s ten years old and very new to the area so she likely scared and disoriented and looking for something familiar. She’s a gentle dog, but fast and strong so hard to catch. Please contact Ryan – 562-650-7085.
Monthly Meeting – March 20
The monthly meeting of the Shaw Dog Park Association is tonight at 7:30pm at the Hotel Helix.
All are welcome to attend.
Items on the agenda include:
- Replacing the shade sail in the small dog park
- Replacing dead Hawthorne trees in big park
- Fundraising
And much more!
Inquire at the front desk or bar for meeting room location.
Dog Park Tip – Watch your dog
Tip 3: Watch your dog
It can be tempting to lose yourself in conversation or your phone when your dog is contained in an off-leash park. Don’t.
For the safety and well-being of your dog and others’, make sure you know what your dog is up to at all times.
Photographer’s note: all subjects featured in the dog park tips are willing volunteers.
Dog Park Best Practices
Tip 2: Unleash
Remove your dog’s leash–assuming it is safe* to do so–before entering the main park.
A dog on a leash is disadvantaged when first meeting and greeting the unleashed park dogs.
*You should remove your dog’s leash in the front vestibule separating the street from the main park IF both gates are closed and there is no danger of your dog escaping.