Raffle Ticket Update: advanced ticket sale closed

dogpartyUPDATE: Online sales of raffle tickets is now closed.  Come to the party at 11a.m. to buy your tickets–credit/debit cards accepted.

Buy your raffle tickets in advance online and pick them up at the Nov. 2 anniversary party.Click the PayPal button below to purchase and choose your option–$5, $10 or $20–when you check out.

Raffle ticket prices –
$5 for 1 ticket
$10 for 3 tickets
$20 for 7 tickets

Can’t make the party? No worries.  Your tickets are still eligible for the drawing.  We will notify you of winnings by email.

* All proceeds go to Shaw Dog Park Association, a 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt organization, for maintenance and operation of the Shaw Dog Park.

Shaw Dog Park Turns Five


Shaw Dog Park invites canines and their human companions to celebrate its fifth anniversary.

Saturday, Nov. 2.  11am to 1:30 pm

The party will feature

* Snacks for people and pets

* Beverages

* Tshirt sales

And last but not least

* RAFFLE with fabulous prizes

A big thanks to our growing list of raffle prize donors.

Special thanks to CityPaws Animal Hospital for its continued support of the park and its special support of the fifth anniversary party.

Ringing in Four Years

With a special message from SDPA President Brad Scarborough

I wanted to thank all who came out on Saturday to celebrate Shaw Dog Park’s 4th Anniversary Party! Our park visitors were very enthusiastic and really helped make Saturday a fun-filled day for everybody and every dog!

Shaw Dog Park was honored to have Councilmen Jack Evans and ANC 2-C Chair Alex Padro in attendance on Saturday. Their continued support has been key in making sure that Shaw Dog Park stays open in the Logan/Shaw Neighborhood for all of us to enjoy. As Councilmen Evans stated, ‘Shaw Dog Park is the model for other dog parks in Washington, DC.’ That is truly a testament to hard work of our dedicated volunteers and the support of our community.

Shaw Dog Park is truly grateful for our very valued Community Business Partners that helped to make Saturday’s 4th anniversary party a success.

With their very generous contributions, Shaw Dog Park was able to raise close to $2,800.00 through sale of raffle tickets, purchases of t-shirts and individual donations.

This money is used to finance maintenance and on-going improvements to the park. We encourage all of our park visitors to remember these businesses and show your appreciation and support for all that they do for Shaw Dog Park.

And lastly I would like to thank some of the most generous members of our community, *our volunteers*! Shaw Dog Park volunteers’ dedication and support help make Shaw Dog Park the best dog park in Washington, DC. Our volunteers endure late nights, early mornings, cold temperatures, rainy days, tangled water hoses and mounds of “poop” every day to keep the park safe and clean. We love our volunteers and we thank you for all that you do!  To become a Shaw Dog Park volunteer, please send an email to volunteer@shawdogs.org.

Personally I would like to say it is an honor to serve as President of the Shaw Dog Park Association. It is my hope that you and your dog(s) enjoy the park and come visit us every day!

He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.