Park Rules

The following rules are based on the DC Municipal Regulations (DCMR), Chapter 7, Title 19 (Amusements, Parks and Recreation).

Shaw Dog Park Association is the sponsoring dog park group primarily responsible for enforcement of these rules, with the assistance of the DC Department of Parks and Recreation, the DC Metropolitan Police Department and other DC agencies. Usage of Shaw Dog Park signifies your agreement to abide by these rules. The Dog Park Committee reserves the right: (1) to suspend or ban individual dog owners and/or individual dogs from use of the dog park in the case of persistent or repeated violations of these rules; and, (2) without prior notice to modify these rules.

1. Hours

The hours of operation of Shaw Dog Park are

Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday 8:00 a.m. to 10 p.m.

No persons or dogs are permitted within the dog park (a) when it is locked and (b) between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.

2. Liability

All persons use Shaw Dog Park at their own risk. Neither the District of Columbia, its agencies nor Shaw Dog Park Association shall be liable for any injury or damage caused in the dog park. Every dog entering the dog park shall be accompanied by a person (“dog handler”) aged sixteen (16) years or older who shall be personally and legally responsible for that dog at all times while using the dog park. No unattended dogs are permitted and no more than three (3) dogs are permitted per dog handler.

3. Prohibitions

Shaw Dog Park is not a recreation area for use by children or by adults without dogs. Children under sixteen (16) years of age may enter the dog park only when accompanied and supervised by an adult. The following items are prohibited from the dog park: alcohol, food, glass containers, soccer or other sports equipment. Any balls for use by dogs or other dog toys are brought into the dog park at your own risk.

4. Capacity

The maximum number of dogs permitted within the main enclosure of Shaw Dog Park is twenty-eight (28). The maximum number permitted within the small enclosure is five (5). Only dogs weighing less than twenty-five (25) pounds, senior dogs and physically challenged dogs are permitted in the small enclosure. When the maximum capacity is reached in the main enclosure or the small enclosure, handlers in those enclosures shall limit their dog’s stay to thirty (30) minutes or less when others are waiting.

5. Noise

Persistent barking by dogs is not permitted. Dog handlers shall control barking or remove their dog from Shaw Dog Park. In addition, dog handlers are not permitted to create excessive (human) noise at any time while using the dog park. Handlers shall strictly control noise levels between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m. on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. If requested to do so by a nearby resident, church congregant, user of the athletic field, school official or other DC official, please reduce your noise level.

6. Park Entry/Exit

Entry to Shaw Dog Park is via a double entry gate system so as to ensure no dogs can escape from the park. Both entry gates shall not be opened at the same time and handlers are required to close each gate securely after use.

This is an off-leash dog park and it is preferred that leashes be removed on entry. Leashes must be replaced when exiting. All dogs using the park shall wear a collar. However, the use of retractable leashes and spike or choke collars is not permitted in the dog park.

7. Dog Control / Dangerous Dogs

Dog handlers shall accompany, maintain visual contact, and have voice control over their dog(s) at all times while using Shaw Dog Park. While vigorous dog play is encouraged, aggressive dogs are not permitted and any dog behaving aggressively shall be immediately leashed and removed from the dog park by its handler. Dogs that have been legally designated as “dangerous dogs” are not permitted in the dog park. Dog handlers shall report all animal bites to the Department of Health within twenty-four (24) hours in accordance with communicable disease laws, and shall comply with all animal control, dangerous dog and communicable disease laws and regulations before entering the dog park.

8. Waste Removal

Dog handlers shall collect and bag all solid waste created by their dog(s) while in the dog park and dispose of it in the designated on-site “Dogipot” receptacles.  If the park’s Dogipots and regular trash receptacles are full: (1) bag and carry out your dog’s poop and other trash for disposal in an alternative public trash can or in your home trash can; and (2) e-mail or call (330) 737-1364 to inform the committee about the full trash cans.

9. Other Prohibitions

The following are not permitted in Shaw Dog Park: puppies less than four (4) months old; female dogs that are in heat; feeding, grooming or bathing of dogs; and dogs “humping” other dogs.

10. Dog Licensing & Registration

When using Shaw Dog Park handlers shall ensure that each of the dogs within their control is wearing current tags as follows: Rabies Vaccination tag, DC Dog Registration tag and DC Dog Exercise Area tag.